Andrea Aime
2017-06-30 19:54:55 UTC
On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 7:31 PM, Eric Engle via GeoTools-Devel <
effectively allow shapefiles up to 4gb.
Wondering how much software will be able to deal with them though, during a
old wms shootout (back in 2010) everybody agreed that the limit for the shp
file was 2GB.
guess that some subclass hook
should be provided allowing sublasses to declare that iteration order is
stable even if no sorting is provided,
and implement such hook in the shapefile class (hmm.. I haven't touched it
in a long while, I remember
that the code reorders based on key when using spatial index to improve
linear access on file system,
but I cannot remember what goes on if there is no filter... probably just
scanning over the shx anywas).
Andrea Aime
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mob: +39 339 8844549
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Hi all, I wanted to inquire about a couple of possible shapefile reader
1. Reading of >2GB shapefiles doesn't *quite* work. The offsets passed
around seem to be int32 *byte* offsets, whereas the shapefile format itself
wants to use "number of 16-bit words" positioning. Is there some reason for
this? I've "fixed" it, but am wondering if this is tenable.
Seems like it should work, I never noticed that part of the spec, seems to1. Reading of >2GB shapefiles doesn't *quite* work. The offsets passed
around seem to be int32 *byte* offsets, whereas the shapefile format itself
wants to use "number of 16-bit words" positioning. Is there some reason for
this? I've "fixed" it, but am wondering if this is tenable.
effectively allow shapefiles up to 4gb.
Wondering how much software will be able to deal with them though, during a
old wms shootout (back in 2010) everybody agreed that the limit for the shp
file was 2GB.
2. No support for Path? The NIO APIs have been around for a long time, and
offer a lot more flexibility to e.g. read directly from zip files. Any
reason not to plumb a "path" parameter through the data store factory to
support this?
No reason other than lack of interest/funding, but if you have one, go foroffer a lot more flexibility to e.g. read directly from zip files. Any
reason not to plumb a "path" parameter through the data store factory to
support this?
3. No ability to explicitly disable sorting when paging. The
ContentFeatureSource sensibly checks if a start index has been set, and
includes natural sort if the user didn't explicitly set a sort already. The
problem is the user may have explicitly asked for UNSORTED, but the test
looks for SortBy[].length==0, which is true for UNSORTED. So that test
removes a useful distinction between "no sort was specified" and "user has
explicitly said unsorted is fine". Is fixing this test acceptable, or does
someone rely on UNSORTED being equivalent to "no sort specified"?
Most people rely on stable paging, unsorted won't provide it in general. IContentFeatureSource sensibly checks if a start index has been set, and
includes natural sort if the user didn't explicitly set a sort already. The
problem is the user may have explicitly asked for UNSORTED, but the test
looks for SortBy[].length==0, which is true for UNSORTED. So that test
removes a useful distinction between "no sort was specified" and "user has
explicitly said unsorted is fine". Is fixing this test acceptable, or does
someone rely on UNSORTED being equivalent to "no sort specified"?
guess that some subclass hook
should be provided allowing sublasses to declare that iteration order is
stable even if no sorting is provided,
and implement such hook in the shapefile class (hmm.. I haven't touched it
in a long while, I remember
that the code reorders based on key when using spatial index to improve
linear access on file system,
but I cannot remember what goes on if there is no filter... probably just
scanning over the shx anywas).
Andrea Aime
GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
for more information.
Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39 339 8844549
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