[Geotools-devel] GeoTools / GeoWebCache / GeoServer Meeting 2017-06-13
Torben Barsballe
2017-06-13 21:32:28 UTC

Kevin Smith

Torben Barsballe

Jody Garnett


Infrastructure updates

GeoTools 16.4 / GeoWebCache 1.10.4 / GeoServer 2.10.4 release

Action items from last meeting


AA: make a GSIP to get some more information out of developers asking
for a community module

JG: follow up GSIP with actual developers guide documentation changes
(waiting on GSIP)

KS: make GeoServer change proposal for GWC vulnerability (in progress)

JG: FOSS4G Blog post when presentations announced (done)

Infrastructure UpdatesBuild server

A new build server, intended to replace ares, is currently under
construction. It is available at https://build.geoserver.org/

There are some outstanding issues, tracked here: GEOS-8184
GeoServer Demo server

http://demo.boundlessgeo.org has been replaced with a new, updated server
(at the same location)
GeoTools 16.4 / GeoWebCache 1.10.4 / GeoServer 2.10.4 release

Torben and Kevin have volunteered. In addition, we will be using the new
build server for this release, so as to test it out and fix any issues.