[Geotools-devel] GeoTools Meeting 2017-07-11
Jody Garnett
2017-07-11 20:35:23 UTC
GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2017-07-11

Ben Caradoc-Davies

Kevin Smith

Torben Barsballe

Jody Garnett

David Vick

Brad Hards

Jukka Rahkonen


New build server

Travis build problems

Multi-Layer SLD GSIP

New community module



Torben: Follow up with Nick about travis/repo build failures

Jody: to ask for release volunteer on the mailing list [DONE]

Jody: to confirm permission to use signing certificate from OSGeo System
Admin Committee

Previous Meeting actions


AA: add links to presentation and user list posting guidelines in user
list signatures and welcome messages

Team: user list discussion at BOF in foss4g-europe, boston

Jody (done): Reach out to boundless suite team about un-answered stack
exchange questions

KS (done): Update GWC Security GSIP

JG (done): Communicate with devops about repo.boundlessgeo.com related
travis failures

New build server



Phase I is done - nightly builds happen, and a release was made.

Phase II is about CITE testing - resources needed

Phase III online tests (databases etc

Q: When are we going to let it send email?

Is it worth doing this before CITE tests work?

Q: Database tests failing?

Not expected to work, database servers are IP locked so we would not expect
it to work.



PSC members should have SSH access, talk to Nick next week if you need

Build server was mostly a normal setup, some notes added to geoserver
doc guide (to cover sphinx latex setup requirements)

Ares builds still working, but slowly.

Coordination will be needed for Phase II and Phase III.
Travis build problems

Torben reached out to boundless “devops” - and many of them are on holiday.

Repo is taking too long to respond to travis resulting in build failures.

Jim posted a fix to the mailing list to increase the speed a bit.

Is anything specifically wrong? Is repo throttling travis, or 



TB: Follow up with Nick about travis/repo build failures

Multi-Layer SLD GSIP

See link GSIP-161 <https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/GSIP-161>

Revised based on feedback:


Work through the example at the end (showing use of multi-layer sld and
including some pictures)

Layergroup can now contain a mix of layers, layergroups and a new thing
“style group” (where the multi-layer sld defines what is drawn)

changed the order so the UI was introduced first, and then the
implementation changes described

Answered andrea’s questions? Torben added an example discussion.

New JavaFX community module

Developer has been trying to contribute since march!

wiki page: https://github.com/geotools/geotools/wiki/JavaFX-Map-Module

pull - request: https://github.com/geotools/geotools/pull/1638

Several tabs in the pull request; merged; asked him to clean up on master.

Ben and Jody discussing OSGeo Live :)


Can we make a GeoTools Quickstart? Perhaps 

Release next week


Volunteer needed?

Action: Jody to ask on the mailing list

New of new build server? Mac and windows still in progress - Nick is
back next week.

Windows build box requires signing certificates (Nick, Larry, SAC).

Action: Jody to confirm permission to use signing certificate from
OSGeo System Admin Committee

Recommend use of Ares, coordinate with Larry for windows release

REST API migration any remaining extensions or community modules expected
for 2.12:


Code freeze is august

Yes - GeoWebCache

General review of pull requests from June code sprint.


LDAP Security PR 2446 requested a review from Niels

Move style file when moving style PR #2445 waiting on review from Nuno

S3 GeoTIFF waiting on feedback (not ready for review)
Andrea Aime
2017-07-12 06:08:42 UTC
Post by Jody Garnett
Travis build problems
Torben reached out to boundless “devops” - and many of them are on holiday.
Repo is taking too long to respond to travis resulting in build failures.
Jim posted a fix to the mailing list to increase the speed a bit.
I've applied Jim's suggestion to the GeoTools Travis build. Not sure it
some builds topped 50 minutes anyways right after that change, but they
were on the same day.
Let's see if it gets any better in the following days:



Andrea Aime

GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit http://goo.gl/it488V
for more information.

Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39 339 8844549



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