[Geotools-devel] GeoTools 16.4 Released
Torben Barsballe
2017-06-19 22:45:16 UTC
The GeoTools team is pleased to announce the release of GeoTools 16.4

- geotools-16.4-bin.zip
- geotools-16.4-doc.zip
- geotools-16.4-userguide.zip
- geotools-16.4-project.zip

This release is also available from our maven repository

This release is made in conjunction with GeoServer 2.10.4.

GeoTools 16.4 is a maintenance release focused on bug fixes. While this
release is suitable for production systems we recommend planning your
upgrade to GeoTools 17.
Features and Improvements

- xsd-wcs uses an up-to-date WCS 2.0 Range Extension schema
- LabelCache Exceptions should not use System.out but report to


- ImageMosaic returns an image with full mosaic footprint even when a
single granule was selected
- Cannot set up a heterogeneous CRS mosaic if granules are all in local
- GeoPackage tile order inverted along y-axis
- Band selection optimization in GridCoverageRenderer fails for the
"paint" code path
- ReadResolutionCalculator under-estimates the reading resolution in
case one axis is stretched a lot more than the other
- ImageWorker mosaic operation can return results with the wrong ROI
- Stretched shield placement does not account for descenders in label

And more! For more information please see the release notes (16.4
| 16.3
| 16.2
| 16.1
| 16.0
| 16-RC1
| M0
| beta
Jody Garnett
2017-06-20 04:46:56 UTC
Thanks Torben and Kevin, this is the first release made with the new build

On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 3:46 PM Torben Barsballe <
Post by Torben Barsballe
The GeoTools team is pleased to announce the release of GeoTools 16.4
- geotools-16.4-bin.zip
- geotools-16.4-doc.zip
- geotools-16.4-userguide.zip
- geotools-16.4-project.zip
This release is also available from our maven repository
This release is made in conjunction with GeoServer 2.10.4.
GeoTools 16.4 is a maintenance release focused on bug fixes. While this
release is suitable for production systems we recommend planning your
upgrade to GeoTools 17.
Features and Improvements
- xsd-wcs uses an up-to-date WCS 2.0 Range Extension schema
- LabelCache Exceptions should not use System.out but report to
- ImageMosaic returns an image with full mosaic footprint even when a
single granule was selected
- Cannot set up a heterogeneous CRS mosaic if granules are all in
local CRSs
- GeoPackage tile order inverted along y-axis
- Band selection optimization in GridCoverageRenderer fails for the
"paint" code path
- ReadResolutionCalculator under-estimates the reading resolution in
case one axis is stretched a lot more than the other
- ImageWorker mosaic operation can return results with the wrong ROI
- Stretched shield placement does not account for descenders in label
And more! For more information please see the release notes (16.4
| 16.3
| 16.2
| 16.1
| 16.0
| 16-RC1
| M0
| beta
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Jody Garnett